Beautiful long dark eyelashes have been a sign of beauty throughout history. Unfortunately, not all of us have been blessed with such eyelashes. Women have used sticky glues, messy mascaras, and potentially dangerous curling tools to achieve those beautiful long, thick eyelashes.
With the discovery of a revolutionary product such as Latisse, you no longer have to waste time on inconvenient and uncomfortable products. Latisse has been clinically proven to help grow fuller, darker and longer eyelashes.
Latisse is a topical solution applied along the skin at the base of the upper eyelashes at nighttime much like an eyeliner.
Latisse is FDA approved and has relatively little side effects. Some patients have reported a slight redness or irritation to the eyes which subsides over a short period if time.
Latisse is a prescription and therefore does require a consultation. During the consultation, our physician will determine whether you are a candidate for Latisse, go over how to use Latisse, and review the possible side effects. You will also receive a prescription for a 3 month supply (enough time for you to see the results) during your consultation. There is a fee for a Latisse consultation.
Individuals with elevated intraocular pressure or glaucoma, history of eye allergies, chronic eye infections or other related conditions may not be suitable candidates.
Contact Us to Set Up a Consultation*
*Consultation includes half hour full evaluation to see if you are a good candidate for Latisse, review of risk and side effects, review on how to use Latisse, and a 3 month prescription for Latisse. Note that there is a fee for consultation.