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How to Look Fabulous in a Face Mask!

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How to Look Good in a Face Mask


Admit it—we all love searching for the next best accessory to stay on trend. Before COVID-19, a luxurious face mask was considered a great addition to your at-home self-care routine. But now, face masks have come to mean something completely different. 


Who would have imagined as we opened the door to 2020 that the premiere accessory on the global ...

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The Best Step-By-Step Home Skin Care Routine During COVID-19

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woman doing DIY skin care routine


After a full month of shelter-in-place at home, you may be wondering why your skin is not glowing as usual, especially considering you are not exposed to harmful pollutants or wearing as much makeup. Whether it’s the stress from COVID-19, comfort eating or eating more processed foods than usual, lack of exercise, or lack of a regular sleep routine, your skin may be ...

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Top Tips for Health, Wellness and Boosting Your Immune System During Covid-19

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Health and Wellness During the Covid-19 Pandemic

I know this has been a difficult time for many who are concerned about COVID-19 and the consequences from it such as financial loss from not being able to work or having to shut down your business, or the restlessness from having to stay at home and assuming a new way of life.

It is of course understandable if you are concerned about any of the above, but what if we take a moment to ...

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Prejuvenation: How Millennials Can Use Botox for Aging Prevention

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preventative botox treatment
Whether or not you age may be outside of your control, but how well you age is up to you. Cosmetic treatments can correct signs of aging once they have developed, but prevention is always easier than correction. Wrinkles begin forming as early as your 20s as collagen production begins to decline. With weakened skin elasticity, dynamic wrinkles, or expression lines, can gradually become etched ...

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Brotox: Why Botox for Men Is on the Rise

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botox for men
Women aren’t the only ones that get distressed about the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles. New York men start to get those telltale signs of aging as well, and they can have a significant impact on a man’s self-esteem. If you are one of those men wishing you could snap your fingers and make those lines disappear, we have a treatment that can diminish aging symptoms and ...

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The Perfect V-Shape for V-Day

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With Valentine’s Day around the corner, it’s time to feel your best and what could be sexier than restoring the beautiful V-shape face of your youth? The young face is accentuated by full cheeks, tapering down to a well-defined jawline and chin at the tip. Unfortunately, the aging process tends to reverse that V-shape, as volume is loss from the cheeks and displaced to the lower face resulting in jowls and ...

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The Science Behind Sexy Lips

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With Valentine’s Day just a few weeks away, you want to make sure your lips look sexier than ever for that perfect Valentine’s kiss. But what makes lips sexy? Is it a perfect cupid’s bow? A certain level of plumpness? Or is it completely subjective?

It turns out that there is a perfect size and ratio that determines their sexiness. According to a study published in JAMA Facial Plastic Surgery in ...

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Is Your FACE Runway Ready?

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Who Says You have to be a Model to have…..

Contoured Cheeks
With a quick 20-minute procedure using the FDA approved Voluma dermal filler, strut the streets of NYC with your sexy, contoured cheeks knowing you’re turning heads left and right!

Voluptuous Lips
Using our latest FDA approved product Vollure, we can help you achieve those voluptuous lips suitable for your facial features, and have you looking picture perfect when you pucker up ...

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Cutting Edge Procedures for that Special Guy!

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With My Father 24 years ago, 1993


The month of June happens to be one of my favorite-not only is summer right around the corner, but it also happens to be my father’s birthday and of course, it’s Father’s Day this month. In honor of Father’s Day, I would like to dedicate this newsletter to all the wonderful men out there who take care of us and more importantly, take care ...

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Customized 20-Minute Non-Surgical Facelift Just for You!

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The days of going “under the knife” to achieve a facelift, chin augmentation, cheek enhancement, nose job, lip augmentation, etc. are long gone! With the advent of dermal fillers and other non-invasive procedures, we can now recreate contoured cheeks, enhance a weak chin, fill under eye hollows, give you a sharper jawline and much more in 15-20 minutes and no downtime!

There are two main factors involved in the aging process ...

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