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Wellness Matters: Take the first step to becoming the “You” you envisioned this year!

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Are you often sleep deprived?

Do you feel anxious in your everyday life and stressed by its challenges?

Do you struggle with diet, digestive and nutritional issues?

Do you know that each of these issues are directly related to the aging process?

In the early years of my medical practice, it became apparent that although my patients came to me for help in improving their appearance via cosmetic procedures, what they were really looking for was to feel better about themselves. With training in Internal Medicine, Anti-Aging and Aesthetic medicine, I recognized the importance of adopting a holistic approach to beauty. Now, surely having less wrinkles and a youthful appearance may help one feel better and more confident, but it is also vital to address other underlying issues as well.

For example, if you are sleep deprived, not eating an adequate diet, or often stressed, not only will these things affect your overall health, they will also play a major role in accelerating the aging process that is often manifested as skin disorders such as eczema, dry/damaged hair, wrinkles, and sagging skin. Inner health and outer beauty are in fact directly related.

To address these issues, I have incorporated wellness services into my practice including meditation workshops and an anti-oxidant scan which will measure your anti-oxidant levels, a primary factor in determining the body’s natural ability to fight aging.

I invite you to take the first step in embracing positive change in your lifestyle by completing this Wellness questionnaire CLICK HERE.

Once you have completed this survey, you will be contacted by my office to schedule a 60 minute one on one consultation which will include an antioxidant scan to further define a specific program tailored to your needs. Additional lab tests, as indicated, are not included.

In the meantime, I send best wishes to you for an abundant new year full of good health, radiant beauty, and positive spirits. I look forward to hearing back from you with your completed questionnaire and helping you reach your beauty, health, and wellness goals in the New Year.


-Sunanda Chugh, M.D.

About the Author:

Dr. Sunanda Chugh is the Founder and Medical Director of Anand Medical Spa and has been practicing in NYC since 2004. She is a graduate of Cornell University and has completed her training at St. Luke's Roosevelt Hospital/Columbia Presbyterian Hospital. Dr. Chugh has worked and trained with top Plastic Surgeons and Dermatologists in NYC. Her special interest on the effect of the aging process on the face and body inspired her to specialize in Aesthetic Medicine.

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