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Why is losing weight so difficult? Part I

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All that we are is the result

of what we have thought”


Losing weight may seem like one of the most daunting tasks for most people, but losing weight actually is just like any important change we go through in life.

Think of marriage, changing professions, or moving to a new city. It may seem challenging at first, but it can actually be rewarding and fun depending on how you perceive things.

Your perception or the way you think about things is actually the most important thing when it comes to making any important change in life.


If I perceive losing weight as a lifestyle of deprivation where I am depriving myself of eating rich sweets, fried food and the ability to sit on my couch and watch multiple episodes of “Breaking Bad” or “Sex & the City” for hours on end while munching on a bag of chips, I start to feel pretty bad.

No one likes to be deprived of anything!

We like to enjoy our life and feel like we are gaining something.

Let’s, change our thoughts and our perception now.

What if losing weight was the beginning of a NEW lifestyle where you had more physical and mental energy, self-confidence and you actually felt GOOD about yourself?  

Who doesn’t like to feel good about themselves?

Who prefers to feel crappy after eating a bag of potato chips and/or a pint of Ben and Jerry’s ice cream?

I think I would prefer feeling good about myself. Wouldn’t y


People do not want to lose weight because the idea of changing a lifestyle seems challenging. Well if we keep focusing on the

positive of this change, we are reminded of the many gifts this can bring us.

It’s about…changing your perception/your thoughts, creating habits in line with your vision, and making choices that are healthy for you.
Let’s make this year one in which we commit not to just a daunting change for the year, but a positive and exciting change in your lifestyle!


Let ANAND MEDICAL SPA be part of this change this year with our NEW PHYSICIAN GUIDED 12-WEEK
WEIGHT LOSS PROGRAM tailored specifically to each person.

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About the Author:

Dr. Sunanda Chugh is the Founder and Medical Director of Anand Medical Spa and has been practicing in NYC since 2004. She is a graduate of Cornell University and has completed her training at St. Luke's Roosevelt Hospital/Columbia Presbyterian Hospital. Dr. Chugh has worked and trained with top Plastic Surgeons and Dermatologists in NYC. Her special interest on the effect of the aging process on the face and body inspired her to specialize in Aesthetic Medicine.

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