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7 things your mouth is trying to tell you about your body…

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7 things your mouth is trying to tell you about your body

Research has shown that there is a  strong link between oral problems and serious health problems.  If you are thinking of getting any procedures, such as Botox or dermal fillers, it’s a good idea to let us also evaluate your overall mouth health. Your health is just as important as looking good. Let us help you shine from the inside out!

1. Mouth sores- often present during periods of stress. 
There are different types of sores.  If you have fluid-filled sores on your lips, those are cold sores or fever blisters caused by the herpes simplex type I virus.  These are very common (up to 80% of the US population has been exposed to the type I herpes virus), but be careful not to touch them while they are draining as they are contagious.  They will crust over while healing, and can take up to three weeks.  With anti-viral medications prescribed by a physician, they can heal faster. Crater like sores that appear inside or outside the mouth are typically canker sores or apthous ulcers.  Stress, hormones, nutritional deficiency of iron, folic acid, or vitamin B-12 may be to blame.  Avoid citric or spicy foods that can exacerbate the sores.  Temporary relief can be accomplished with topical numbing creams or gels.  Get evaluated by your doctor and also be mindful of what is stressing you out.  Find something to help you relieve your stress – a nice walk, yoga, medication, or a Reiki session.

2.  Cuts on both inner corners of your lips

They are called angular cheilitis, and are not just a side effect of chapped, dry lips although excessive saliva and chapped lips may trigger these cuts.   These cuts are inflamed areas of bacterial or fungal infections and may be due to a nutritional deficiency.  Make sure to speak to your doctor to prescribe you topical medications to treat these infected areas and also to check your blood to see if you are lacking B vitamins or Iron.

3. Whitish bumps and discoloration of your tongue

A white coat on your tongue can be a sign of thrush often present in people that are immunocompromised such as uncontrolled diabetics. Swollen white nodes on the back of your tongue can indicate HPV infection, which can cause oral cancer.  While a bluish discoloration on your tongue may just be a blood clot from biting your tongue, it may also be a sign of a more serious condition such as cancer.  Make sure to schedule an appointment to see your dentist to further evaluate these lesions.

4. Dry mouth

Is a common side effect of many medications such as anti-depressants, anti-histamines, and anti-anxiety medication.  Dry mouth along with dry cracked lips and bleeding gums may be a sign of an autoimmune disease such as Sjorgen’s disease which needs to be evaluated by your physician and can be treated with medications.

5.  Chronic Bad Breath

May be a sign of a chronic post-nasal drip, gastric reflux, bacterial overgrowth, repeated vomiting from an eating disorder or indigestion.  Please see your doctor for further evaluation.

6. Gingivitis

Inflammation of the gums can also predispose you to diabetes and heart disease, which are exacerbated by inflammation in general.  Inflammation in the mouth can cause inflammation in the blood vessels that supply your heart resulting in less blood going to your heart.  Research has shown that people with gum disease are more likely to have heart disease than those without.   Inflammation also impairs your body’s ability to utilize insulin, the hormone necessary to control your blood sugar resulting in elevated blood sugar and higher risk of gum infection. Lastly, studies have linked gingivitis during pregnancy to more pre-term and low birth weight babies.  Brushing your teeth and flossing is not only important for your mouth, but for the rest of your body.

7. Permanently Stained Teeth or tension/pain in the jaw

White, yellow or brown spots and pitting or grooves on the tooth’s surface can be signs of celiac disease, which your doctor can evaluate.  Some stains may have occurred during childhood as a result of tetracycline or from drinking fluorinated water. Eroded tooth enamel may also be a sign of an eating disorder resulting from the stomach acid from repeated vomiting.  Tension/Pain in the jaw may be signs of excessive stress, which can lead to clenching and/or grinding, and can also lead to headaches and/or facial pain, also know as TMJ disorder. See your dentist for evaluation and come see us at Anand Medical Spa for a Reiki session to alleviate your stress and to see you if you’re a candidate for Botox to alleviate the facial pain or headaches caused by TMJ.

7. Permanently Stained Teeth or tension/pain in the jaw

Take care of your mouth to take care of your body!




About the Author:

Dr. Sunanda Chugh is the Founder and Medical Director of Anand Medical Spa and has been practicing in NYC since 2004. She is a graduate of Cornell University and has completed her training at St. Luke's Roosevelt Hospital/Columbia Presbyterian Hospital. Dr. Chugh has worked and trained with top Plastic Surgeons and Dermatologists in NYC. Her special interest on the effect of the aging process on the face and body inspired her to specialize in Aesthetic Medicine.

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