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Skin Cancer Basics

Each time your skin is exposed to the sun’s harmful UV rays, changes take place in the structure of your skin’s cells. Continuous exposure causes the skin to become permanently…

Can Meditation Prevent Aging?

Two weeks ago on my Birthday, I decided to go to a 10-day silent meditation retreat. I have to say, it was one of the most difficult things I have…

Is Yo-Yo Dieting Causing Sagging Skin?

Are you a Yo-Yo Dieter?

Last summer, you wanted to look fabulous for your 10 year high school reunion so you went on a crash diet and lost the excess weight…

Are Sweets Causing you to AGE?

I hope you had a wonderful Thanksgiving full of much gratitude!  I have to say this Thanksgiving was a tough one for me for many reasons, including having to resist…

Why Are Antioxidants So Important?


I was an unusual kid growing up in that I actually enjoyed my fruits and vegetables including plums, blueberries, apples, pomegranate, broccoli, spinach, kale, etc.  Little did I know that…

Two Ways to Prevent the Aging Process

In the past two blogs, I talked about how you can prevent the aging process by boosting collagen production in your body. In the next two newsletters, I would like…

Three Skin Products that Boost Collagen Production!!!

Last week, I spoke about the importance of collagen in preventing the aging process and how Ultherapy can help you boost your collagen.  If you are not ready to invest…

Boost Collagen and Prevent Aging!!!

Fall is definitely one of my favorite seasons. First, the city is vibrant and full of life as people are returning from their summer getaways, refreshed and feeling renewed. The…

Rejuvenate Your Skin With Lytera

Whether it involves your health, your work, or relationships with family or friends, maintenance is the key to success.  In my previous blogs, I discussed my 5 favorite anti-aging products…

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