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Why is Exfoliation So Vital for Your Skin Care?


When I was younger, I suffered from terrible acne and really did not understand that in addition to the medications my doctor prescribed, exfoliation was key to preventing further breakouts.

Peel Away the Sun Spots

The summer is almost over and you are probably wondering how you will get rid of all the sun damage you have incurred during your summer beach days, BBQ and…

Happiness Challenge….Who Says You Can’t Have It All!!!

Did you know that Anand in Sanskrit means Bliss?  I chose this as the name of my practice for a variety or reasons including the significance of it’s meaning to me and what…

Non-Invasive Alternatives to Plastic Surgery

One thing that was emphasized to us during our medical training was to “do no harm”.  Part of the reason I decided to specialize in non-invasive cosmetic medicine instead of…

How Gracefully Will You Age?

I love getting wiser as I age, but I can’t say I was ever thrilled about getting wrinkles or grey hair.  Several years ago, I remember waking up and noticing…

Slow Down to Stop and Smell the Roses/Happiness Challenge

Sunrise Boone, NC
Two weeks ago I took a week off from work and went to a place I never heard of called Boone in North Carolina for a silent mediation…

Three Harmful Effects of the Sun on Your Skin

When I was younger, there were two areas on my face that would often turn red and burn- my forehead and my nose.  As mentioned, in my previous blogs, I…

Dr. Chugh’s Top Five Anti-Aging Products

I have had a number of my friends, patients and colleagues ask me what my favorite skin products are so I decided to go over my five favorite. There so…

Dr. Chugh’s Summer Skin Tips

Summer is finally here!!!

After a brutal winter, and an unpredictable spring, the “dog darn days” of summer are finally here, and the weather has been pretty stable so far!!!

One of…

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