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What can you do to LOVE yourself this year?

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What can you do to LOVE yourself  this year?  

Valentine’s day


For Valentine’s day this year, instead of worrying about how to make your partner or other people HAPPY, how about we start with YOU!? 

I spent the better part of my life always worrying about how to make others happy.  Whether it was my parents, my partner, my friends, my boss, my co-workers, I somehow managed to put myself last.  I still remember often missing my 30-minute lunch break at one of my jobs five years ago because as a physician you are rewarded and praised for “working hard”. Now, that’s just SILLY!

I no longer do that.  I choose “ME” first now, even on Valentine’s Day.  Of course I am not saying you should not care for loved one’s around you (that’s a given), but always take care of YOURSELF first.

Here are some ways you can show the “little kid in you” how much you love them this year:

Valentine’s Day photo


1)  Do something fun

Do something that you never seem to have the time to do because either you are too busy with work or taking care of others.  Last Valentine’s Day, I took a painting class.  I never thought I had any artistic skill because physicians are supposed to me more cerebral than creative.  Guess what…I did have skills and the result of my work is in the photo above of MY painting!


2)  Do something relaxing and soothing

One of my favorite things to do is get a massage.  I reward myself with a nice relaxing massage every two weeks.  On a daily basis, I like to just sit by myself in the evening when I am unwinding and have a nice relaxing cup of herbal tea with some scented candles while I think about all the things I am grateful for. And BREATHE!


3)  Take care of your health  

If you don’t, who will!  We are so busy with our work, our family, our friends that we often neglect our bodies until it’s too late.

Have you had a physical in the last year?  If you are over 30 years old, I recommend getting a physical once a year.  Speak to a professional about any concerns you may have such as weight, insomnia, stress, or anything else that may be concerning you about your health before it is too late.

Prevention! Prevention! Prevention! What is the purpose of everything you accomplish or do if you don’t have your health!?


4)  Take care of your skin

Have you had your skin evaluated lately for sun damage?  Do certain things like the “11” lines that have formed (seemingly overnight) seem to bother you?  Do you have sagging skin that makes you want to delete almost every picture you take and not just because you IPhone camera stinks?  I know that when I look and feel my best, I can also show up and project my best in every aspect of my life.


5)  Take care of YOU Everyday!

Lastly, don’t just do this on Valentine’s Day, do this everyday!

YOU are YOUR most important asset.  When you take care of yourself, not only can you show up in your life more present, but you can also help others in an positive way!

About the Author:

Dr. Sunanda Chugh is the Founder and Medical Director of Anand Medical Spa and has been practicing in NYC since 2004. She is a graduate of Cornell University and has completed her training at St. Luke's Roosevelt Hospital/Columbia Presbyterian Hospital. Dr. Chugh has worked and trained with top Plastic Surgeons and Dermatologists in NYC. Her special interest on the effect of the aging process on the face and body inspired her to specialize in Aesthetic Medicine.

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